Friday, February 29, 2008 such a Diva

Jennifer Lopez is taking the mom thing very, very seriously.

People around La Lopez think she might be taking things a bit too far…except of course, Marc Anthony, who supposedly agrees with everything she wants.

J. Lo is diva about ever-y-thing!

According to inside reports, the couple has hired SIX new bodyguards for the twins. They have two baby bouncers for each eight-hour shift around the clock.

Cost? Approximately $600,000, not including the cost of benefits.

They've also invested in closed-circuit cameras for almost every room in their many homes.

Also, peeps with grubby hands better stay far away from JLo's babies! According to a family source, she's become a germaphobe. There are dispensers of hygienic cleanser strategically placed all around her homes. People are instructed to basically scrub before they come close to her precious ones. And, we kid you not, there was a purchase of what's being called 'a lifetime supply' of surgical masks because anyone coming in contact with the twins must put one of the things on.

check it out guy's!

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