Many celebrity watchers love to hate Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. Many still hold her responsible for the break up of Pitt's marriage to Jennifer Aniston. That's now ancient history and it might have been a good thing anyway as without it fans couldn't be taking in so much information about sexy guitarists John Mayer and his new relationship with Jennifer.
Star Magazine has a poll for fans of a bunch of celebrity couples to see who you are sick of and which couple still has the buzz. One of the choices for Brad and Angie is, "If I hear another thing about Brangelina I'm going to have morning sickness." That one is the top vote getter in the poll with a whopping 54% of the vote.
For Aniston and Mayer, it appears that fans love them and only the Jolie and Pitt fans are fed up with "Johnifer" as the answer, "I want all the details about their hot romance," is a big winner for the couple in the Star Magazine poll with 45% of the vote. Other couples in the poll include Lindsay Lohan and Sam Ronson and and Madonna and A-Rod.
Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo get even worse ratings than Brad and Angelina and Kate Hudson and Lance Armstrong are dubbed as serial daters and the majority of responders to the unscientific online poll say they are fed up with those two. The poll is here, can the Brangelina fans vote and vote some more to bring their happy couple up a bit?
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