Lindsay Lohan's dad took a DNA test yesterday to find out if he's the father of a Montana teen reported to be the star's secret half-sister - but if he is, he won't force his famous brood to welcome her to the family.
"It was a swab, a paternity test," Michael Lohan told The Post yesterday, just as the first pictures of his alleged 13-year-old love child, Ashley, were made public.
Brunette Ashley has Michael's eyes - and the same trademark sprinkle of freckles across her nose as Lindsay.
Michael Lohan last week admitted he had a fling with Ashley's mom, 44-year-old Montana massage therapist Kristi Kaufmann, in 1995, when he was separated from Lindsay's mom, Dina.
But he still doubts Kaufmann's claims that the girl is his.
"If the test is found to be negative she's gonna be sued for libel and defamation," he said.
Michael Lohan said he didn't know Ashley existed until Kaufmann - whom he first met in 1982 in Houston, Texas - contacted him while he was serving prison time in 2005 for DUI and other charges.
"She contacted me and said she had a paternity test with her ex-husband and it was negative and she believed the child was mine," said Lohan.
"She said I was the only one she was with but I find that hard to believe," he added.
"She was with a number of men after me and was going through a second divorce right now."
Lohan, who said he expects the test results back in two weeks, is furious that Kaufmann went to the media with her allegations.
"Even if the test is positive, I have nothing to say to her because of the way she handled this," he said.
"How can someone say I have another child when no testing has been done?" Lohan asked.
"Why did she wait so long? Is it because she wants money? Or is it because she wants to claim that Ashley is my children's sister?"
Lohan said Kaufmann's claims that she wants Ashley to meet Lindsay, as well as Michael's younger daughter, reality show star Ali, 14, struck him as odd.
"She said she wants her daughter to have a relationship with my kids - especially Lindsay and Ali - and that's pretty sick," Lohan said.
"I will never force my children to meet with Ashley."
He also said that he "doesn't plan on discussing" his DNA test with his children until after the results are in.
Lohan said he has asked his lawyer to send Kaufmann a letter asking her to stop discussing the situation publicly.
Last week, Kaufmann said Ashley is "angry" that Michael has refused to acknowledge her. She also claims Lohan sent Ashley a picture of himself from prison - signing it "Love Daddy" - and called her on her 13th birthday earlier this month.
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