Thursday, April 10, 2008

Owen Wilson & Jennifer Aniston: Community Service in Miami

When Jennifer Aniston and Owen Wilson are not busy fending off romance reports from South Florida apparently they are working to help save lives of teens that are wandering Miami Beach. The would be charming couple recently took the time to help a young couple in what sounds like a pretty desperate situation. According to the National Enquirer's Mike Walker the pair were out for a stroll on Miami’s South Beach.
Jennifer and Owen are busy working on a new film and they have been filming "Marley & Me" when the pair stumbled upon a teenage couple and they stopped to chat with the young lovers.


In what sounds like an unbelievable story the pair told Wilson that they "identified completely with the pain that triggered his attempted suicide because they were in a Romeo-Juliet dilemma – deeply in love, but with both families flatly opposed to their match!"

Then, according to Walker, the young man admitted feeling so desperate that he had actually contemplated killing himself. Apparently Owen later would tell his friends (who must have spilled this wild tale to the Enquirer) that he "sat the troubled kids on a bench and spent nearly an hour discussing how to communicate with parents – and emphatically warned that suicide’s NEVER the answer."

Certainly that is good advice of course and the kids thanked the star for taking the time to actually care.

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