Star magazine started a rumor that Joel Madden and Nicole Richie would be getting married later this month. Joel took to his blog to set the record straight. He says:
"So i feel really stupid even posting this, but i’ve been getting calls and texts from my family all week asking me why they weren’t invited to my wedding. I guess the only answer i could give them was that i didnt know we were having one. So i just found out that star magazine wrote some story about a 2 MILLION dollar wedding we are supposed to be having, and thats where it came from. Sooooo if you were pissed at me for not inviting you or even telling you, dont blame me, theres nothing to worry about. Its just star magazine. How long do you think it will be before they write we called it off, or we broke up? i give them a week or two……"
Joel’s family must still be in a bit of shock that he got Nicole knocked up before they were expecting it, and he may not have told them until long after she was pregnant. It’s no surprise Joel’s family might believe he’d arrange a wedding without telling them. Trust is difficult to earn, and easily lost.
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